Why Do They Hate Hillary Clinton?

Why do people hate Hillary Clinton so much?” a reporter from the Canadian Broadcasting Company asked me this week.

I responded that the pitiless rancor of American politics today is out of all proportion to our real challenges — but it’s worth recalling how Hillary Clinton earned her miserable reputation. It was the flagrant and prodigious lies. She has arguably abused power, enriched herself and her family with blatant influence selling, and betrayed an arrogant disregard for the normal rules.

In the past few weeks, since she defeated Bernie Sanders, Mrs. Clinton has been impersonating a centrist. Her foreign-policy speech was crafted to contrast sharply with Trump’s illiterate eruptions. She praised NATO, upheld the importance of alliances with Japan and South Korea, defended John McCain’s heroism, stressed the centrality of American world leadership, and promised to harness allies in the war to defeat ISIS. The speech was miles to Trump’s right.

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